Tangmere Crescent, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 5PP

01708 551684


R J Mitchell Primary School

Aspire, Believe and Achieve!

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. RJMP Sports Day – Thursday 11th July 2024 

RJMP Sports Day – Thursday 11th July 2024 

5 June 2024 (by admin)

5th June 2024 

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

RJMP Sports Day – Thursday 11th July 2024 

Key Stage

Year Group 



Yr5 & Yr6

9:15 a.m - 10:45 a.m

Yr3 & Yr4

10:45 a.m - 12:15 p.m


EYFS, Nurture, Bennett, Franklin 1 & Franklin 2

1:10 p.m - 1:30 p.m  

Yr1 & Yr2

1:30 p.m - 3:00 p.m

We would like to invite you to watch your child(ren) during sports day. We will be holding an ‘al-fresco’ style lunch with pupils eating their packed lunch on the school field and we extend an invitation for you to join your child(ren) during lunchtime with a picnic. Please bring your own food and soft drinks. There will be no hot dinners served from the kitchen, baguettes will be served and children will have the choice of Tuna, Ham or Cheese. Lunch will be held at 12:15 pm  until 1:00 pm for all year groups.  

There will be a refreshment stall on the day (cash only), where we will be offering hot and cold drinks, a selection of crisps and sweets and hot dogs.  

Children will be participating in their P.E. kit, but if possible, please arrange for them to bring in a T shirt that is connected to the colour of their house. There may have been changes to groups this year due to unfair distribution of children, as children have left/joined over the years. Please note houses are not allocated according to families therefore it is possible siblings may be in different houses. 

Please ensure your child has weather appropriate clothing, for example a sun cap and sun cream or waterproof jacket and warm sweatshirt etc. Please also provide your child with plenty of water. If persistent heavy rain is forecast we will re-schedule for a later date. 

Please also note that children will need to remain at school and normal collection procedures will apply. I would like to thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you on Thursday 11th July 2024 for what should be an exciting sporting day. 

If you will be attending the ‘al-fresco’ style lunch with your child/ren please can you click on the link below and fill in the Google Form - thank you 

Yours faithfully, 

Mrs F. Wells 

Head of School