Tangmere Crescent, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 5PP

01708 551684


R J Mitchell Primary School

Aspire, Believe and Achieve!

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Year 5 & 6 Sports hall Athletics Report

Year 5 & 6 Sports hall Athletics Report

8 December 2024 (by admin)

Some year 5 & 6 pupils represented our school at Sportshall Athletics! They were encouraged to run their fastest, jump their highest and throw their farthest and they did just that! We saw amazing teamwork in relay races, fabulous javelin throws and super jumps whilst cheering each other on every step of the way! Staff commented on how well R J Mitchell were sitting at the end of the event, making staff proud yet again! Well done to our sports stars! See attached