Tangmere Crescent, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 5PP

01708 551684


R J Mitchell Primary School

Aspire, Believe and Achieve!

  1. News
  2. Year 6
  3. Polite Reminders regarding the year 6 trip to theĀ Imperial War Museum on Wednesday 12th February.

Polite Reminders regarding the year 6 trip to theĀ Imperial War Museum on Wednesday 12th February.

10 February 2025 (by admin)

Dear parents / carers, 
A few reminders about our trip to the Imperial War Museum on Wednesday 12th February.
- Come in full school uniform but children are able to wear trainers as there is a lot of walking involved. 
- Children need a packed lunch, preferably in a carrier bag so it can be thrown away once they are finished with it, a coat and a water bottle if they wish. 
- We do need to leave as close to 9:00am as possible, so please make sure that children are in school on time as we will not be able to wait. 
- We are aiming to leave the museum at 2pm so will be back around 3:20 but we will keep you updated via the school jotter. 
If you have any questions, please let me know. 
Kind regards, 
Miss Marsh 
Year 6 Lynn class teacher 
5/6 Phase leader 
Maths lead